Lately I've been thinking about the Giant Pink Sea-Snail from Dr Dolittle, and strangely enough I couldn't find an image of if anywhere on the internet. I'm sure it's out there somewhere, but in the meantime I made my own pink snail, and did lots of different texture mapping on the shell - then turned it into a wallpaper.
If anyone can find a pic of Dr Dolittle's snail can you let me know? Thanks to Kootoyoo for hosting On My Desk. xxxx
Love this!
Oh how cute - lovely!
i hope you're not feeling too much like a snail?
So fabulous!
Great pink snails indeed. I'm positive that somewhere I've seen Dr. Doolittle's pink snail, but it wouldn't have been online, it would have to have been when I read the books long long ago.
That's fabulous!
This is great!! I adore it and am inspired =)
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