I just found out about Filiokus magazine from Urban Outfitters blog. Rather than having a website, the magazine has a Myspace page. I was so impressed by all the bright colours and crazy images on their page, and the pages of friends of theirs, that I just logged on and joined Myspace too. Only problem is that I don't have any friends there yet. Have to get cracking! The images above are from the Filiokus Myspace page, and the images below are by Lisa Jonasson and sourced from her website. She's one of the guest editors. xxxx

I can't get on board to support projects by UO. Here in Los Angeles at least, they have a habit of blatantly ripping off nearby museum exhibits in their window and store displays (most recently with Dan Flavin and Phoebe Washburn).
What a pity. I was just in email contact with them and they seem really friendly.
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