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I found these cute 1950's cupboard handles at the restoration yard and got a combination of No. 22 and No. 32 for our kitchen. xxxx

The above examples are done by Studio 't Brant Weer from the Netherlands. I found out about their work in the book Area 2. xxxx
Also the black and white image on the top is from the Studio 't Brant Weer website.
PS. Blogger has stopped resizing my images, so I'm having to upload them at a smaller size. Has anyone else had this problem?
The house we just moved into has two fireplaces with the most gorgeous tiles around them. I've decided as a long term project I'm going to collect lots of old miss-matching tiles to put in the bathroom or kitchen when we get around to renovating. Here's a couple I saw on eBay the other night. xxxx
This week I had my third attempt at using a Wacom tablet. The first two times I used a large and medium size tablet, but found them too awkward and only persisted for a couple of days. This time I had to give it a better shot because I'm starting to get really bad RSI. So I tried the smallest Wacom tablet I could find. Now I'm addicted. So much better than using a mouse. I did the above doodles testing the different pressures of the pen. xxxx
I'm usually not one to buy a product based on it's logo, but I did make an exception the other day when I found one of these on sale. The above t-shirt has the logo for PLAY, Comme des Garçons on it. I found out via Sakato that Filippa Gowski, who did the artwork, has also done some textile prints for Comme des Garçons, as well as lots of other logo and print work. You can find the above t-shirts here. xxxx
Comme de Garsons ran the above advertisment in Vanity Fair last month, done by the artist Tauba Auerbach. I had a look at her website and there's lots of images where she uses text and it's meaning as the basis of her studio work. All the examples below are done by her. I got the images are from the website, and the above advertisment is scanned from Vanity Fair. Click to see details. xxxx
Found these pretty Austrian hand-painted plates at the auctions last week. xxxx
Here's a couple more 7 inch record sleeves from the 70's found here. xxxx
Via Hi & Low I found about this incredible on-line library of record envelopes. I got so excited I did an image search for 'geometric record covers' which brought up the Vivaldi cover (below) which was posted at Grain Edit, a groovy blog that specialises in graphics from the 50's - 70's, and contemporary design that's influenced by that era. It's now on my list of daily reads. xxxx