There were two themes for this weeks 'this is' game, suggested by Flightless Boyds. So this is what gives me goose bumps: Deja Vu. I went through a stage where i had the feeling of deja vu a couple of times a day, but thankfully now it only happens once in a while.
And the above pictures relate to the second theme: this is.... what scrambles my brain when I try to understand it. If I start thinking about the size of the solar system I get a bit overwhelmed, but if i try and imagine other solar systems and infinite space I have to quickly change my stream of thought. Too weird! I got the above pics here and here. xxxx
I can relate and totally agree with both your answers.
I also get goosebumps when I have premonitions and then they come true!
Angela xx
Oh I totally agree - it scares me too and makes my brain fuzzy. I have a feeling we're not really supposed to understand this kind of stuff.
The stars are pretty to look at, but I don't like to think too hard beyond that! Its all too hard.
I'm with you on both of those. Wow, deja vu a couple of times a day!
Deja Vu is a great one....isn't it freaky when you see something that you've already seen before in a dream....
Oh yes, I'm with you on both of those! But being a bit of a Star trek nerd, I like the brain scramble that thinking about the universe brings!! Yes, sad, I know...!!!
there is a very rare disease taht causes the sufferer to have almost constant deja vu
imagine that!
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