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Over at the fantastic graphic design blog Ace Jet 170, he joked last Thursday about having a 'Found Map Thursday'. I think it could be a fun idea. Maps are something we have to do at work and I often get sick of the in-house newspaper colours. Wouldn't it be great if all of our maps were as colourful as this one I found in a 1960's magazine of my mums? The magazine is 'Realites', and this is from the March issue of 1967. The map designer's name is Claude Porchet, and unfortunately I couldn't find any other work by him on the internet. xxxx
We had a red moon here last night, which was pretty. Apparently thousands of people flocked outside last night to see it. It was on the front page of all national newspapers today, and the Age ran this quote: "I think we have an innate need to find out a little more about where we fit in the cosmic scheme of things," which is true. Anyway, I spent the afternoon making silly collages. The above moon photos are plagarised from Google images and the collage below is made in Cinema 4D and Illustrator. xxxx
For the last two days I've been quite grumpy because we're a bit sick, so today I purposely took some photo's on my walk to remind myself that I don't really have a right to be in a bad mood at all.
A couple of weeks ago I posted about a great book called Hand Job - A catalog of type by Mike Perry. Well - I'm happy to say I now own the book. Here's a couple of cute, scanned images from it. You'll need to click to enlarge to see some of the details. xxxx
A bit of a silly post today - I've discovered over the last couple of weeks that Lukas has a definite preference for the colour yellow. It all started with his rubber duck, and now I've noticed that if there's a pile of toys he always goes straight for the yellow ones. So cute! For friends and family check out this link to see a funny video of him. xxxx
There really is nothing on television any more. Instead we both sat in front of our respective computers and tapped away. To make matters worse our internet provider has slowed us to 64K (dial up speed), so net surfing is really frustrating. (&^%*^$^!!!) So I re-rendered the same tree I used in the collage two posts below, and pulled out an octopus from a pattern I'm working on to make this strange little 'octopus forest'. Computers really are taking over television! I just put this picture on my 'Site coming soon' page for my website
Click to enlarge. xxxx
I've decided to introduce a bit of structure to this blog in the form of a weekly segment called 'Type Tuesday'. Because we're living in such a graphically flamboyant time (remember ten years ago when everything was neat, san-serif, minimal?) I thought it would be good to document inspiring uses of typography.
This week I've started with Marmalade Magazine, a fresh, young British publication who have used this cute cutout / collage style for their article headers. It looks like they've been photographed rather than Photoshopped, but I can't say for sure. Anyway - I love it - and the magazine. xxxxx
I started this collage inbetween jobs at work this afternoon, then continued in front of the television when I got home. I had to drive through the heaviest rain tonight - I thought the car might actually get swept away. Anyway - I had some other work to finish off tonight, but I'm too tired - so now it's on tomorrow's list.
I've just followed Sara's lead and put a photo of myself and Lukas up (even though it's blurred)! After revealing all those facts in the tag game
I thought it timely. xxxx
I just got tagged by Sara from Happy Silly so have to reveal 8 random facts about myself, then tag 8 other blogs I like reading:
1. I enjoy using Illustrator more than Photoshop,
2. I'm not interested in cooking,
3. When I was a kid I had on Olympic sized trampoline,
4. My favourite part-time job when I was at university was working as a gallery attendant,
5. Even though I've overcome my fear of public speaking I still have nightmares about it,
6. My favourite unhealthy food is yogo (kid's dessert),
7. I often dream that I'm not only flying, but doing aerial acrobatics
as well,
8. I think owning a Burmese cat can increase one's quality of life.
I've just tagged Roxy Marj, Freedomwig, Axid and Floating World. More to come. xxxx

The other day I got another cute item at a garage sale - a Cacharel bag and wallet for the cheap price of $30 (that's 17.83 EUR or 23.95 USD). They're hot pink, as you can see above, which is not normally my thing, but I've decided to embrace it in a Carrie Bradshaw kind of way. I drew this terrible picci of her to wrap my head around the concept. Speaking of which, I can't wait for the Sex and the City movie. xxxx
I just did this drawing for a competition run by Monster Children magazine and judged by Beci Orpin, of whom I'm a huge fan. Anyway, the breif was: 'send your best folk art animal illustration to the magazine'. So I pulled out a recent drawing I did of a Swedish Dala horse, and made a Dala mountain goat as well. The background is an artwork I did for a show last year.

Here's a couple of patterns I made earlier that I want to get made up into yardage in Thailand as well. I'd like to do mix and match pants and t-shirt sets for kids. I'm not sure if the the design is appropriate for screen printing. I'm hoping to find a digital fabric printer there. Anyway - once again I thought it would be good to post them now before they're made, and re-post them later when they're actually fabric. It may be a while though. I'm imagining there'll be lots of samples sent back and fourth before we get it right. Also if it has to be screen printed I may have to reverse the red and yellow colours. Anyway, we'll see............xxxx