Thanks to Curlypops for this weeks theme - this is... 'my favourite band of all time'. I've got really scary memories of serving orderves at my parents parties while they all danced to Boney M. In my adult life I gained a very daggy, but new found respect for them. Their lyrics are educational - teaching us about historical and literary figures such as Rasputin and Steppenwolf. Also in 1978 they ignored political tensions and toured the Soviet Union, acting as ambassadors for the west during the Cold War.....But on a more serious note - if I could only choose one performer to listen to for the rest of my life, it would have to be Nina Simone. I got the groovy record cover from Milkcratebreaks. Thanks to Three Buttons for hosting the game. xxxx
OMG I love Boney M! I have thier greatest hits album...it's great for parties.
Another big Boney M fan here!
I have Boney M's greatest hits too! Very clever lyrics. And of course Nina Simone is a beautiful choice.
Were you serving Devils On Horsebacks at the parties?
Very cool - Nina never goes out of style.
And I love Boney M too!
I'm not too familiar with Boney M. Perhaps here in Canada, we just didn't really get into them. I wonder if you are familiar with my favorite band of all time . . .
I am a big Nina Simone fan too. Amazing voice!!
People should read this.
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