Tsang Kin-Wah is a Chinese born Hong Kong artist who was awarded the Tokoyo Type Directors Club award in 2007. I first saw his work over at I love typography. Click to see detail, or see more of his work at his website. xxxx
These fantastic dresses were shown at Paris Fashion Week by Korean designer Lie Sang Bong. I found the images on the SMH website and the invitation via Lie Sang Bong's official site. xxxx
I got some really cool stuff in the post the other day from Sakato as part of her love letter project. And I'm working on a zine about vintage clothes care for zine-swap generated by Nikki. xxxx
Here's a different colourway of an old pattern I made. (more patterns two posts down). I'm in experimentation mode before I get some more digital fabric printed. Also I just joined Sakato's love letter project. More about that soon. xxxx
Thanks to Curlypops for this weeks theme - this is... 'my favourite band of all time'. I've got really scary memories of serving orderves at my parents parties while they all danced to Boney M. In my adult life I gained a very daggy, but new found respect for them. Their lyrics are educational - teaching us about historical and literary figures such as Rasputin and Steppenwolf. Also in 1978 they ignored political tensions and toured the Soviet Union, acting as ambassadors for the west during the Cold War.....But on a more serious note - if I could only choose one performer to listen to for the rest of my life, it would have to be Nina Simone. I got the groovy record cover from Milkcratebreaks. Thanks to Three Buttons for hosting the game. xxxx
Here's a couple of work in progress patterns. The top one's made in 3D, and the bottom one was made by pulling apart bits of typography and making them into shapes in illustrator. Also here's a link to a fantastic blog I found today called BibliOdyssey. It's got lots of old world calligraphy, maps and scientific diagrams. I'll post some images from there later. xxxx
Last night I found this amazing photo over at Maize. It was posted there via Speedtrails photostream on Flickr. Also the lovely Pod gave me the link to these felt dogs by Stephanie Metz. xxxx
Graphic artist living in Bondi.
This blog is a scrapbook of things I like and things I make such as graphics, 3D, contemporary art, fabric, fashion, drawing and all things visual.
Email: a@anna-lisa.com