John Young's 2008 paintings (above) look like abstract versions of Nick Knight's earlier photographs (below). You can see more of John Young's work here, and Nick Knight here. xxxx
I just got this book in the post: Blogs Mad about Design, which is a 528 page, hard covered book about design blogs. Mine's included, (I've scanned the pages below) as well as lots of others I'm looking forward to exploring. It was put together by Mao Mao Publications.
I've been a bit obsessed with looking at home renovations and architecture as our house is in desperate need of a revamp. Ryue Nishizawa is a Japanese architect I'm in love with. He loves to mix up the indoor and outdoor spaces as much as possible. The top image is his office space, and the other two are residential jobs he's done. He and his partner Kazuyo Sejima will be designing the Serpentine Gallery pavillion which will be open from July to October 2009. I got the above images here, here and here.
Graphic artist living in Bondi.
This blog is a scrapbook of things I like and things I make such as graphics, 3D, contemporary art, fabric, fashion, drawing and all things visual.